Now available for sale worldwide



The English version of Amazon Kindle and Paperback ‘Creating Website with Twenty Twenty-Five’ is now available.

Available on Amazon worldwide listed below.

We hope that many WordPress fans around the world will read it.


この度、書籍『Twenty Twenty-Fiveでウェブサイトを作ろう』の英語版をAmazon Kindle 書籍 そしてペーパーバック書籍で販売開始しました。

以下に掲載する世界中の Amazon で購入いただけます。

世界中の多くの WordPress ファンに読んでいただけたら嬉しいです。

Why did I produce an English version?

Although the Japanese version was produced first, there does not seem to be a strong awareness of using standard WordPress themes to create websites in Japan, and it has received less attention than other WordPress-related books.

However, it is an undeniable fact that a deep understanding of WordPress standard themes will help you understand more about basic WordPress operations, block themes, and site editors.

I love WordPress, and I’m not going to lie, it’s a great tool. I like not only the classic themes, but also the block themes and the site editor.

So I wrote this book on Twenty Twenty-Five, following on from my previous book on Twenty Twenty-Four, in the hope that as many people as possible will feel the same way. I also wanted to increase the number of such friends around the world, so I produced an English version, which has far more users than the Japanese version.

What content is presented?

First, here is some basic information about WordPress.

Chapter 1 introduces what WordPress is, the WordPress community and block themes.

Then, in Chapter 2, we introduce each menu of the site editor, which is essential for using block themes, and we introduce the block editor as well.

By actually touching WordPress while reading these, we hope that even if you have never touched the site editor or block editor before, you will be able to understand it.

Chapter 3 introduces Twenty Twenty-Five, WordPres latest standard theme, which is the main theme covered in this book.

The number and structure of available templates and patterns, as well as style variations, are also introduced with screenshots.

Chapter 4 shows how to create a simple blog website with full use of pattern replacements.

The work performed in each step is presented with screenshots and clear explanations, so that even beginners can complete the process without hesitation.

Chapter 5 shows how to create a café website on a larger scale than a blog website.

It introduces how to create patterns, how to make use of Synced Patterns, and how to work with the recently available Overrides in Synced Patterns.

By working through this book and actually touching WordPress, you will understand what you can do with a basic block theme. And that understanding can be the understanding you need to follow the evolution of WordPress in the future.

We hope you will find block themes, block editors and site editors fascinating through this book.

Udemy 新着・人気 講座





オレインデザインでは、デザインデータからの HTML コーディングや WordPress テーマ・プラグイン開発まで幅広くウェブ制作に対応しています。


WordPress 6.7.x 対応版を出版しました

WordPress デフォルトテーマ Twenty Twenty-Five を使って、シンプルなブログやカフェサイトを作りながら、ブロックテーマやサイトエディターの基本を理解することができます。